Thursday, July 7, 2011

traveling eve

We're rushing around like crazy trying to organize everything, hoping not to forget anything.  Mum's yet to go get the car from the shop... Yesterday we brought it in for a checkup to make sure everything was in order.

We're very excited to finally go on this trip - I haven't ever truly experienced Montreal. I was born there, and I went there in grade seven for a short visit with my class, but I didn't get to experience "the real Montreal" where I went.

As far as I know, the itinerary for the trip is:

Friday: Drive from Vancouver to Vernon
Saturday: Free Day
Sunday: Commencement of trip to Montreal
Monday, on: Driving across Canada

Everyday, we'll drive for six or seven hours or so; then either set up camp, or stay in a hotel. Every second day, we stay in a hotel.

I'm hoping that constant repetition of driving for 7 hours a day, constantly listening to the GPS lady won't drive me out of my mind. If you have a GPS, you know what I mean.

I don't know much about the middle provinces of Canada, so if anyone knows about any good sights or events, just leave a comment below - I would much appreciate your input.

Can't get enough of Brett Dennen - on constant repeat: Comeback Kid, Sydney, Make You Fall in Love With Me.

The youtube video below is Comeback kid :D

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