Monday, July 18, 2011


graffiti :)

the transit system in Toronto works like trains do - there's train tracks on the street, and cables all above the cars like busses. So cool!

too cool

the OCAD - Ontario College of Art and Design

ah, art students.

in front of the textile museum!!!! When we were looking for cool places to go in Toronto, we came across that name in the GPS, and I shrieked with joy. It was as fantastic as it sounds. :D :D :D love.

ancient silk coat

detailing on the coat... The caption said "birds" but it looks more like bugs...

Mobutu. Very. Cool. Jacket. *hint hint: I want this for my birthday

ancient chinese head tuques for infants to children 5 years of age.  Also in the picture: Embroidered collars

head tuques.

this area was where you could try to weave stuff yourself. I had a lot of fun here, once I figured it out. You have to press down on four consecutive levers, pull the shuttle (string) through an opening (not pictured) and pull a giant lever forward to push the thread into place, then repeat.

the amount that I did was the blue area at the top in a zig zaggy pattrern. I actually did it pretty fast, once I got the hang of it. I thought it was kind of fantabulous.

embroidered hats! :D

little wading pool in downtown Toronto. Only about a foot deep in the middle (deepest part - it was a round pool.)  We'd found a squishy foam ball, and tried to play catch in the water with it... Turned out we never actually caught it, and it turned into get-the-person-who-threw-the-ball-at-you-wet-as-payback game.

yeah, we were completely soaked all the way home.

Toronto CN tower!!! Wish we could've gone in there, but by that time, we were positively exhausted.

Today we met with Mum's idol/other boyfriend [inside joke] - Garth Turner and mum was so starstruck. He was really nice.
Toronto was cool. But not as in cold - actually, it was more like sweltering heat so hot I could barely walk. But other than that it was really cool. We went and got pizza at Pizzaio-iforgettherest. It was a gourmet pizza place.... SO. YUM-TASTIC. They gave you a quarter of an extra-large pizza as "one slice". OMG.  Then we went to the textile museum, and took sooooooo many photos, but as I have a parent as an editor, we cut out lots of cool ones.  I was kind of in heaven on earth, to say the least.
After, we went and cooled off in that little wading pool in a park in the middle of Toronto, downtown. Go figure. Turned into a waterfight, which was refreshing, until I realized later I'd have a soggy butt the whole hour home in the car. That got a little yuck-tastic.

1 comment:

  1. If you're still in Toronto for a while, go to the ROM. It's super neat!
