Friday, July 22, 2011

Ottawa - MONTREAL!!

Kriska trucks one beside the other 

Our way of living

At the Rideau Canal

reflection of the parliament building on a new skyscraper... ironic, isn't it?

tow truck towing a big huge truck

Berries at the Byward Market.

bathroom break.

inside joke


mum's favorite place

(*cue the angels singing*)

We went to Ottawa today, just briefly, because it was too hot to really do any walking at all.  We drove by the parliament buildings.  They looked more like castles than parliament buildings to me.  We also saw a radio station in a super
cute house, just among a row of other houses.  We saw the guy in there recording through the window. Then we went to the Byward market, and everybody there greeted us in french, first! It was such a shock, but cool, and good, because I’ve been practicing my french with all the french people I’ve been meeting lately.
We were sososo happy to finally have made it into Montreal!  And then we were greeted with blistering heat and a non-moving highway. Torture. So after about a half hour of being within the same three meters of space, we finally decided to get the heck off that Satan’s den of a highway and go to a park for some shelter of this extreme heat. It was so nice to finally get away from the hot, sweaty, water-less, cramped car. So when we got there, we sat in the shade comfortably, and filled up our water bottles. What a relief. So then we decided to go look for someplace interesting in Montreal, instead of heading back into the heat of the highway, to our KOA.  Montreal was really cool - we went to the Lachine Canal (which mum has a lot of trouble pronouncing - lol) 
We passed by both of the places mum used to live in in Montreal... They were really cute. All the houses are cramped together, but it’s cool.  On our way back, as I was taking a picture, as an inside joke, in a funny accent, I said: “tourists.” because mum keeps saying that, and little did I know, the guy beside us had his window down, too (ours was down so the picture quality was better) and so he responded! He asked us where we were from and stuff, until the light changed, but it was so embarrassing, but funny, because I wasn’t actually talking to him, and when he replied and it was like OMG!


  1. I'm so jealous of you guys! It doesn't look like you were in Montreal long, though! (I can relate, that place gets hot, hot, hot...pour on the humidity, soak, sweat, and smoke.

  2. Habby Barfday Stone. Stick it to 'im , girls. Looks like fun.
