Sunday, August 14, 2011

Surprise problems

So awfully terribly sorry I am not as computer savvy as I would like to be.... I am in the process of killing my imovie as I am in a strong hateful hatred for that program.
Please wait while I find a solution...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Vernon: Beach, miscellaneous and SURPRISE!

Playing around with the Macro setting Scott taught me... Takes pictures of close-up objects, and I am so happy!

Taysia found a little drawbridge for her sand castle that later turned into a Volcano.

grandma <3

Taysia and her new friend. I like to think he looks exactly like Forrest Gump.  OMG they were SO cute!


My famous peanut butter chocolate things! (And chocolate covered blueberries... Those worked out way better than the almonds)

Our sunflower at grandma's is just filled with cute lil' critters!

I'm so sorry, but the surprise won't upload,  so I'm gonna mess around with the settings tomorrow and try to get it to you! FINAL POST TOMORROW!! (I hope)
*yawn* nite!

Travelling to Grampa's, then to Grandma's :D

Rooster's ice cream shop... Interesting... Scott was impressed.

Farmer's market buys... yum!

Arriving at Grampa's for the night... And we saw deer!! Total 'OMG!' moment

Me, Taysia, Grampa and Darlene, and Scott in the background.

Arrived at grandma's... Scott gets a haircut, and I go all papparazi on him... After awhile he swats me away...

Back in Montana and Bavarian Town [old]

Montana sky... Can't get enough.

bus parked in the IGA parking lot.... So weird. But cool and awesome and impressive!

on the way to Bavarian town... I cannot remember the actual name, you will have to ask my mother.

In this little Bavarian town you will find Austrian style houses, complete will cuckoo clock people on your balcony.

That is a motel.

They spell everything weird!!
Where's Waldo? (In this case, Taysia)

Friday, August 12, 2011


Haha no, we're not dead, contrary to popular belief. Since we've gotten back, I haven't really gotten the chance to blog, we've been busy not-travelling. Enjoying ourselves sort of relaxing. It's still kinda really go-go-go for us, I haven't taken many pictures, but I assure you, I will do a closure post probably tomorrow! I will make myself get all my computer duties done. And I will include pictures!! Promise.

PS: Taysia and I are also working on a special treat to end the blog... Tune in tomorrow!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

13 h day

Sorry, no pictures today.  Yesterday was a full day of travelling. Getting a bit sick of it. We checked out a little town called "Kellogg" (Scott's idea, obviously) and spent a good 15 minutes driving around looking for the cereal legend. We didn't really end up finding it, it was a mining town.  Scott was quite disappointed. But it was funny watching the grown man pout about cereal.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wall Drug - Mount Rushmore

"with the power of the great raven spirit..."

me on mah buckin' bronco, yo.





Taysia and her new gun. And me and my hand gun.
PS: It's fake

We had quite the adventure today. We love, love, loved Wall Drug, a highly advertised very large stop. It had souvenirs galore, jewelry, apparel, food, a backyard, plenty of things to climb on, look at, and marvel at. It was probably the size of a grocery store. Not a big superstore size, but more like a town store. Anyway, it was super cool. They had everything.  Then, stopped at Mount Rushmore, and marvelled at how big they were, and wondered just how hard it would have been to carve it. The eyes alone were 11 feet long or wide, I think. Can you imagine? Craziness.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Lions, tigers and bears! Omaha!

white rhino


gorillaaaaa :D

mum's lucky!

siberian tiger

@ the Henry Doorley Zoo, Omaha, Nebraska